The last thing anyone wants on their summer holiday is to get ill.  It may not seem important at the time, but having a quick chat with Mary, John, Allison or Sheila (our pharmacists) before you go on holiday can help avoid some of the most common illnesses that can spoil your holiday. Here are some useful tips that they have compiled to help you along your way!

Planning Ahead
If you take regular medicines, make sure you have enough for your holiday. If you do run out of your medicine while you’re on holiday in the Ireland or you lose your medicine, go to a pharmacy as they may be able to sell you an emergency supply.

Stomach Bugs
People often suffer with diarrhoea and sickness on holiday because they have consumed contaminated food or water.

Take re-hydration sachets and anti-diarrhoea tablets with you in your first aid kit. Come in and talk to one of our team for more advice.

Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) happens when a blood clot forms in one of the body’s deep veins and tends to happen when a person has been inactive for a period of time as blood collects in the lower parts of the body, particularly in the lower legs.

Every year, DVT affects one in every 1,000 people in Irealnd but you can reduce your chances of getting it during a long journey by walking around or moving your legs regularly, drinking plenty of water and wearing loose clothing.

If you’re worried about DVT, ask one of our team about compression socks.

Over the Counter Medicines
When you’re on holiday abroad, you may notice that medicines look different to how they do in Ireland. This is because medicines have a generic name, which is the active ingredient of the medicine, and they have a brand name, which is the trade name the manufacturer gives to the medicine.  If you cannot find your normal brand in the pharmacy while you’re on holiday, don’t worry, the pharmacist should be able to find you something that contains the same active ingredient.Call in to us and stock up on essentials like anti-sickness remedies, plasters and painkillers before you go on holiday. One of our team can give you more advice.Travel Sickness
One of our team can give you advice on available remedies as well as more tips on how to prevent travel sickness. Alcohol should be avoided while taking travel sickness tablets and the tablets may interact with other medicines you may be taking, so check with us first on the best product for you.

Sunburn is something that you should definitely not have to suffer with on holiday. Before you travel pop in to us and make sure you have the correct sunscreen for your holiday. It is recommended that an adult wears a sunscreen with a rating of at least SPF15 and for a child, SPF30. The higher the SPF the better.

Go for broad-spectrum sunscreens which protect against harmful UVA and UVB rays, apply liberally and regularly and avoid the sun between 11am and 3pm.

If you do get sunburn, cover the area immediately to prevent further damage. A cool shower can also help, as can applying after sun and if it continues to itch or peel try a moisturiser or calamine lotion.

Don’t be fooled by a cloudy sky! Just because you cannot see the sun, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be causing damage to the skin.

Don’t Forget Mosquito Repellents

Try to avoid being bitten by bringing insect repellents on holiday with you. Use them when going out at night and try to keep windows and doors closed at all times to avoid mosquitos getting into your accomodation. If bitten antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream helps to relieve itching. Ask one of our team for more advice.